Because a telephone call is often the first point of contact between your business and your customers, we understand that the way the call is handled is a reflection of your company, as well as ours.
One of the main reasons companies lose business is lack of attentiveness and customer service. If a potential new customer is calling your company and no one answers the phone, often times they will simply move on to the next company. Customers like to feel as if they are important to you and your business, and just by making sure a live voice is there to answer their call can be one of the most basic but vital pieces to gaining and keeping customers.
At South Suburban your calls will be answered by a live, highly-trained operator. Our operators are all English-speaking and our office is local and located in Bloomington, Minnesota. We offer 24-hour and holiday answering service, so even your late-night customers will have a live person to talk to.
We also offer special optional services, including:
- Scheduling Appointments
- Order Taking
- Call Patching/Screening
- Reminder and Wake-Up Calls
- Dispatch messages to On-Call Personnel
Quality Assurance
All of our operators are trained to repeat phone numbers and ask for spellings of names as part of our quality assurance and continuing dedication to providing exceptional customer service.
Emergency Procedures
We can help direct the handling of emergency calls by sending out a page, text, or email to on-call personnel. We can also call out to you or your on-call person in the case of an emergency to make sure that someone has received the message and is taking care of the problem.
South Suburban offers a variety of phone answering options. Please call or email us for a monthly rate quote.